“Уфа представила план благоустройства территории вокруг Парка нефтехимиков: Вот как будет выглядеть!”

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The city authorities announced today, July 25th, that they plan to organize three parks – “Victory”, “Mothers” and “Ilich” – for the landscaping of the territory adjacent to the Oil Chemists Park. According to the mayor’s office, the district administration has already concluded a contract with the contractor for a total amount of 306 million rubles. – “The completion period [of the works] is November 30, 2024,” the mayor’s office reported. “The contractor has already started preparatory and earthworks. According to the project, the territory (6.7 hectares) will be landscaped, which includes 3 parks. Here it is planned to carry out the repair of asphalt-concrete pavements, construction of sidewalks with different types of coatings, installation of lighting systems, watering and video surveillance, landscaping, and installation of small architectural forms. ”

The mayor’s office also added that the contractor has already begun preparatory and earthworks, and that the project will include the landscaping of the 6.7 hectare territory, which will include the three parks. The works will include the repair of asphalt-concrete pavements, the construction of sidewalks with different types of coatings, the installation of lighting systems, watering and video surveillance, landscaping, and the installation of small architectural forms.

The completion date for the project is set for November 30, 2024, and the city is confident that the contractor will be able to deliver the project on time. With the completion of the project, the city will be able to enjoy the beauty of the three parks – “Victory”, “Mothers” and “Ilich” – and the surrounding area.Share this amazing article with your friends and family! Click on the buttons below to share it on your favorite social media platform.

  • Все предполагается, что подрядчиком на второй этап благоустройства парка и прилегающей территории в Уфе стала тюменская СК «Реалист». Эта компания была основана в 2015 году бизнесменом Артуром Мурадяном, а с 2019 года ее учредителем и директором является Андраник Айрапетян. До получения контракта на благоустройство парка в Уфе, компания уже получала госзакупки на ремонт улиц в Тюмени и поставляла замороженное мясо и крупы в московские СИЗО.

    В начале июля тюменская СК «Реалист» получила контракт на второй этап благоустройства парка и прилегающей территории в Уфе за 305 миллионов рублей. Сроки по тому контракту совпадают с озвученными в объявлении мэрии. Это первый бизнес-проект для Андраника Айрапетяна, который возглавляет компанию с 2019 года. До этого СК «Реалист» приводила в порядок сам парк перед его техническим открытием за почти 400 миллионов рублей.

    Reading is an invaluable skill that can open up a world of knowledge and understanding. It can help you to gain a better understanding of the world around you, expand your vocabulary, and develop your critical thinking skills. Reading is also a great way to relax and escape from the stresses of everyday life.

    Reading is an essential skill that everyone should learn. It can open up a world of knowledge and understanding, helping you to gain a better understanding of the world around you. It can also expand your vocabulary, and develop your critical thinking skills.

    Reading is not only an invaluable skill, but it can also be a great way to relax and escape from the stresses of everyday life. So why not take some time out of your day to pick up a book and explore the world of knowledge and understanding that awaits you?

    The city of Ufa is proud to present its plan for the beautification of the region surrounding the Oil Chemists Park. This initiative will include the restoration of a lake and beach area, the installation of playgrounds and a wide range of other landscaping and maintenance activities.

    The total area of the project site covers 3.5 hectares and it will include a large lake that will be filled with clean, fresh water. The lake will be surrounded by a beach area with comfortable sunbeds, umbrellas, beach chairs and a beach volleyball court. Moreover, the beach will provide access to a variety of sports equipment, including water bikes, bouncy castles, trampolines and more.

    Besides the beach area, a number of new playgrounds will also be built. These playgrounds will feature a range of activity stations, such as balance beams, tunnels, ropes, climbing walls and slides, which will be open to both adults and children. In addition, the grounds of the park will also be equipped with a picnic zone, which will include sheds, tables and benches.

    Finally, the Ufa authorities also plan to equip the area with street lighting, landscaped pathways and a variety of plants and trees. The authorities also promise to hold regular clean-up days to ensure that the park does not turn into a garbage dump.

    All in all, this exciting new plan for the beautification of the region surrounding the Oil Chemists Park promises to be a great success and will greatly contribute to the attractiveness of the area. The Ufa authorities are determined to make this project a success and will ensure that all their citizens can enjoy a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in the park.

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